
Archive for December, 2008

i was kept questioning all the time…khadijah is a widow

recently, i read a book : Khadijah, The Greatest Story of The 1st Lady of Islam; Syed A.A Razwy

and i choose believing that Khadijah was never got merried  before Muhammad and she was only birth 2 sons and 1 daughter

as written in:


” Khadija was never married before she married Muhammed Mustafa. Her marriage with Muhammed was her first and last marriage. The same historians who have claimed that Khadija was married twice before she married Muhammed, have reported that all the lords of Quraysh and the princes of the Arabs, sought her hand in marriage but she didn’t condescend to consider any of them for a matrimonial alliance. If she had been married twice before, she ought to have had no hesitation in marrying a third time.”

” It is alleged by the court historians of the Umayyads that Khadija and Muhammed had six children, and they give their names as follows:

1. Qasim 2. Abdullah 3. Zaynab 4. Rukayya 5. Umm Kulthum 6. Fatima Zahra

Muhammed Mustafa and Khadija were the parents of three and not six children. They were:

1. Qasim 2. Abdullah 3. Fatima Zahra

Out of these three children, the first two – Qasim and Abdullah – were boys, and both of them died in their infancy, as noted before. The third and their last child was their daughter – Fatima Zahra.

Who were the other three girls, viz., Zaynab, Rukayya and Umm Kulthum?

Before Khadija married Muhammed Mustafa, there were three girls living in her house in Makka. Their names were Zaynab, Rukayya and Umm Kulthum. They were the daughters of her deceased sister. Their father had died earlier, and when their mother also died, Khadija brought them into her own house.

After Khadija’s marriage, all three girls stayed with her as her wards. They probably called Khadija their mother and they probably called Muhammed Mustafa their father. And according to Arab usage, they were known as his daughters because they lived in his house, and he was their legal guardian.

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